Monday, April 4, 2011

It's all in the Attitude

I apologize for the emotional nature of my last post. It just goes to show that you should never write a post late at night after an emotional meeting.

The politics still continue to invade my time, but now I'm trying to have a better attitude about it. I can try to change things in a positive, meaningful manner, or I can be as snarky as possible. Both ways are fun.

This just goes to show that a lot of how you feel is about attitude. It's easy to get down on yourself, think your writing is crap and that you should just stop before anyone else reads it.
I know I've had more moments like that than I can count, but, as the saying goes, I'm going to turn over a new leaf. I'm going to try to have a good attitude about everything - even making dinner.

Side note: I've been bad as of late at visiting other people's blogs. I plan on rectifying that this week. I look forward to seeing what you've been up to.


Kasie West said...

We even have to have a good attitude about making dinner? Patti, I think that is too much to ask. :) Just kidding (sort of), you are so right that attitude effects so much. I've tried to trick myself into liking laundry by humming while doing it. Most of the time it actually works. :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

We're smack dab in the middle of the busiest time of our lives, and it can be so hard to balance everything at times. Hang in there, Patti. And good luck with the good attitude - it WILL make a difference. :-)

Chantele Sedgwick said...

I agree. Your attitude definitely impacts everything in life. How your day is going to be, how far you're going to take your writing, and how happy your kids are going to be in the morning when they wake up. When mommy's in a bad mood, everyone is in a bad mood. I really try to keep my attitude positive. Sometimes it's hard, but the more I try to be nice, the better results I have with everything in life. :) I'm sorry you had a bad week! I hope this week gets better.:)

Catherine Denton said...

I don't think you should apologize. We all have emotional days and that's what (blogging) friends are here for, to encourage us along the way.
My Blog

Southpaw said...

Your right, it’s all how you look at it – and of course a good night’s rest.

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing feelings pass and are never permanent. We always have the ability to change our minds. Sounds like you are going to have a fabulous dinner!

Katie Ganshert said...

I understand your exahustion, and I didn't think anything was wrong with your last post. It was honest, and something we can ALL relate to!

Jessie Oliveros said...

It's okay to be emotional. That just fuels us for better writing. :)

Connie Keller said...

I understand your exhaustion and frustration. And I didn't think there was anything wrong with it. I know that I've sure felt that way before.

Robyn Campbell said...

Okay, Robyn scrolls down to read Patti's last post:

I'm tired. In fact, I'm exhausted. As I write this, my eyes are drooping and I grow weary. I'm tired of politics in sports, work, and basically life, but mostly sports. I just want a clean house, someone to decide what they want for dinner, and a day to write without having to think about anything else. Maybe a good night's sleep would be good as well.

Hey! I want all of this too. And we're all tired of all that junk! Never apologize for things like this. WE GET YOU AND WE LOVE YOU!!!! :-) I wuv you, Patti.

Candice said...

Attitude and perspective are both great cures! But it's okay to be a little peevish and annoyed occasionally too. ;)

Jessica Nelson said...

Oh yes, I def. have moments like that! I'm sorry and feel your pain about the clean house. Don't apologize. I read the post below and it didn't seem whiny to me at all.
I hope things straighten up over there! For your sake, of course. :-)

Unknown said...

You know what I do when I really feel bad about cleaning the house? I don't clean it! LOL.
But then my hubby starts complaining, and there goes my attitude. What I'm trying to say, is that by what I read, I think your attitude is way better than mine, lol! <3

Tamika: said...

The easiest thing in the world is to give up, and convince ourselves that winning is out of the ball park. Hang on to hope, Patti!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I went back and read your last post...I don't see any reason for you to appologize. Everyone has days that wear on you. It seems you need to schedule a little relaxation in your schedule, so you can get back into your groove. I don't know you well enough to suggest anything, but for me a pedicure or a trip to the bookstore are great relaxers...or better yet a day in my pajamas.

BTW, don't compare your writing to someone elses...I have a bad habit of doing it too and it just results in me feeling bad. Most of my cps writing ya and I don't...

Have a happy rest of the week and remember to find some fun for yourself!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

No need to apologise, we all need to give vent to our emotions from time to time.

Angela said...

I could do better with visiting your blog. I love the chance to do the April A-Z thing and yet, visiting all these blogs is killing me.

I'm glad you're having a better attitude and that you're even making dinner. Because nothing says good attitude better than a nice meal.

ali cross said...

You had me until DINNER. I struggle with dinner every. single. day. The bane of my existence. ((hugs)) Hope things look up for you soon!